Jenny’s Cabinet:

Literary Curiosities

Kate Morton Special – The Queen of Historical Fiction Novels

Photo of a stack of Kate Morton books

I have a collection of Kate Morton books because she is my favorite author. Kate is quite popular in the historical fiction genre. Out of her 7 books, I own 5 at home with me, missing the first and the last ones but I read those as well.

In my previous post, I already mentioned that in my opinion Kate Morton is not for everyone. As you can see the books are quite lengthy, around 500 pages, and she uses long descriptions of almost everything (landscapes, situations, character building) which for some readers might be boring. A few of my friends couldn’t finish the books I lent them because it was simply not their style, or they couldn’t grab their attention.

On the opposite side, there is me who specifically likes this writing style. The descriptions create an atmosphere and take you to places. Also, the many details make it so easy to imagine and soon you can find yourself inside the book. Moreover, the characters have time to show their true colors, everyone has their own story and is important in a Kate Morton book.

All the Morton books have the same structure, it has a past and a present timeline. The protagonists in the present are usually investigating their own or their parents/grandparents’ past. On the other timeline, we learn everything about what happened in the past, and at the end of the book dark secrets are revealed.

I can imagine you now asking: Isn’t it boring that all 7 books have the same story? Until the latest book my answer was no because each story was different in a way. Different were the characters, the motives, the time periods, and mostly the twists at the end. What makes me a Morton fan is that it can always surprise and shatter you with the ending and it’s no secret that these usually aren’t happy endings.

However, the last book that came out this year called Homecoming was a disappointment for me. It didn’t matter that it was set in Australia which is a new territory it still felt as if there were no original ideas in the book. Sadly, it was like reading one of the previous books. I couldn’t help but I enjoyed again the atmosphere. However, I struggled with reading and I found the end boring this time. This experience cannot change the fact of how much I love these books. I recommend them with all my heart but please note that if you give it a try, expect a slowly building story with an exciting climax. These books are historical mystery novels, not action-packed fantasies.

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[…] work I would say that Eve Chase’s story is easier to read but not as elaborate as hers. In my next post, I will write about Kate Morton’s books and tell you in detail why I think […]